Wednesday, 28 February 2007

celebrities as brands

We have already looked at celebrities endorsing different brands, and the benefits that this has for all parties involved.
But more and more these days, it is common to see the celebrities becoming a brand themselves.
An example of this Jennifer Lopez. She is no longer just a pop star and part time actress, but a brand in her own right.As Gerrie Lin mentions in the book Idol to Icon, shortly after the release of Lopez's album named "J_LO" the phrase became a "household word". Shortly after its release came the perfumes. Named with now infamous J-LO brand , it was a sure hit. Her existing fans obviously loved it, and newcomers who wanted a slice of the J-Lo pie.She has been credited with diverting attention away from the size 0 model, nad putting the spotlight on women with a fuller figure. This was mainy done by the huge media attention given to her bottom!

"J- LO is a logo, and " jenny from the block" has become a walking, talking, lifestyle elevating brand" (Lim:2005:19). Her fame and success is just one indication of how things in the music industry have changed. Stars are no longer confined to their field but now regularly swap roles and career directions.
They are now not merely looked upon as celbrites, but more as idols that should be worshipped. Every part of a celebrities life can be desireable to someone at some stage. And using the celebrity as a brand exploits these aspirations into a way of making money.
So we are not now looking at the relationship between celebrities and big business, but more looking at the celbrity as being a big business. Who benefits? Who loses out?
And what are the direct results of the new society we find ourselves in.

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